Volkswagen AUTOPHIX V007 ODB II 2 Fault Code Reader & Diagnostic Scanner
You can quickly find the error your vehicle has, without any harm to your car, and without paying a mechanic. Just connect the device to the car to start the fault codes.
- Small but powerful: compact mini-design, small, handy, OBD2 scanner and for all vehicle systems (engine, transmission, ABS, turn off) check-engine-light shows live data read
- Product and manual are in both English and German
- Compatiable with year 1990 and newer: Audi / Seat / Skoda / Jetta / Golf / Beetle / Touareg / GTI / Passat and more, A1 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 Q3 Q5 Q7 etc. worldwide vehicles . For vehicles before 1995 you will need a 2×2 adapter.
- Fast scanning speed can quickly detect auto errors and the definition of error codes
- No battery needed – it’s just a 2.5-ft plug-and-play device that receives power directly from the OBDII data connector in your vehicle